Mothers today juggle more tasks, work longer hours, and sleep less than
their own mothers did. Yet the self-healing revolution has overlooked
the most significant issue in the lives of some twenty million women:
how to cope with the relentless, sometimes overwhelming, stresses of
raising young children in the twenty-first century.
Rick Hanson, Ph.D and Jan Hanson, L.Ac.
, have written many colums to help a mom take care of herself while she takes care of her family. Be sure to visit often as this area will be expanding to offer more than 100 colums that will be searchable by keyword for easy navigation.
Father's Corner:
- My wife lives for our daughter and I am starting to wonder: when is it my turn? I feel like all that I am in my wife's eyes is a means to an end. I go out in the world like a cave man, bring home meat and drop it at her feet, she looks up and says "thanks honey," and goes back to the child.
My wife is on my case and I don't get it. Example: A week ago she
tells me I make too much noise when she's trying to put our baby
girl to sleep. So last night I stayed in the den while Amy was
screaming up a storm and I guess wouldn't nurse. Finally Amy's
asleep and my wife comes in and glares at me and says I'm clueless
about parenting because I should have come in and asked her if I
could help.
Past Columns for Fathers:
What Dad Can Do for Mom
I feel worn out and wish my husband would give me more support. He says he wants to and that I should just give him a list. Any ideas?
Empathy for a Father
Before we had kids , I felt like my husband and I really understood each other, but now it's almost like we live on separate continents . . .
Getting a Father to Help More with the
It's been three months since the
baby was born, but my husband still holds her like she was made of
nitroglycerine and gives her back to me as soon as he can. He
avoids changing diapers by saying that he's no good at it because
she always cries - no wonder, since he's a little rough and
awkward - and heaven help us if I want him to walk her so I can
get a little sleep. When I get irritated, he tries to joke it all
away by saying things like, "Don't worry, I'll get more involved
when she can throw a ball."