Information that helps a mom take care of herself while she takes care of her family | |  than their own mothers did. Yet the self-healing revolution has overlooked the most significant issue in the lives of some twenty million women: how to cope with the relentless, sometimes overwhelming, stresses of raising young children in the twenty-first century. At, we're here to give you practical help for parenting, lowering stress, increasing energy, lifting your mood, building teamwork with your mate, and staying intimate friends with each other. Whether you're just a little run-down... or experiencing more serious challenges - we'll show you simple steps you can take right in the middle of your busy life day to feel better soon. |  Sex After Children Our baby just had her first birthday, and my husband and I are getting along OK, but the problem is he's really frustrated that we almost never make love because I usually feel too tired and "touched-out" when we finally get to bed. Read More... | |  | Fats That Are Good for a Mother Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are in the news because they are needed for a healthy heart and brain, plus they are absolutely crucial for the healthy development of a fetus or child. Unfortunately, they are usually deficient in mothers since they are drawn on heavily to grow a baby during pregnancy and breast milk is loaded with them, and most women don't have anywhere near enough to start with. Read More... | |  | What Dad Can Do for Mom I feel worn out and wish my husband would give me more support. He says he wants to and that I should just give him a list. Any ideas? Read More... | |  | Are You Feeling Depleted? Before having kids, I had a lot of energy and felt very healthy. Butnow, with a 4 year old and a baby, I'm run down, I get colds frequently,and my menstrual cycle has gotten more intense. My doctor's sympatheticbut says I'm fine. What do you think? Read More... | | | Natural Antidepressants I've been feeling down lately. Things that ought to be so nice are justblah, I'm really irritable, it's easy to get teary, and I feel SO worn out. Read More... | | | Keys to Building Character I'm worried about how to help my son and daughter turn into ethical, caring people, especially with all the questionable influences out there these days. Any ideas? He says he wants to and that I should just give him a list. Any ideas? Read More... | | | |  Quick and Easy Protein Good and Easy Nutrition Healing Painful Feelings The Real Gift of Parenting Creating A Life of Your Own Is The Spark Lost Forever? Parenting From The Same Page Raising Teenagers Empathy for a Father Sharing the Load Fairly Skillfully Responding To Your Child's Wants Families Running on Empty Talking About Parental Values |   Rick and Jan Hanson have written and lectured extensively on parental stress and depletion, ways to nurture mothers and fathers, and how a couple can be both strong teammates and intimate friends while raising a family. | | | |